onsdag 16 december 2015
torsdag 3 december 2015
Financing the cause
Although Ingress is free to play, playing the game is far from free. Our gas bills for our field art projects are running high and the in-game purchases for our L1 frakker farms are piling up. Many agents have provided us with cash for these projects and we appreciate that greatly.
Although this one agent might have gone a bit far...
Although this one agent might have gone a bit far...
söndag 29 november 2015
A big THANK YOU! to everyone who showed up at our L1 frakk farm tonight! It seems that quite a few team members were in desperate need for Level 1 Resonators (and XMPs!)
Special thanks to Agent Elk who supplied the frakkers! Keep on moosing!
Special thanks to Agent Elk who supplied the frakkers! Keep on moosing!
lördag 7 november 2015
tisdag 3 november 2015
Surveillance revealed
We have recieved information that the RESistance in Gothenburg have been tracking our every move with some device called a "scanner"! With this device they are able to see whatever we do in the game! Where we are, what actions we perform and where we link. We have already contacted Niantic about this since it probably violates their Terms of Service. We have not received any reply yet, but we will post it on this blog as soon as we do. It would be preposterous if this kind of monitoring of players was allowed!
Since a lot of the damage has already been done, we recommend all ENL agents in Gothenburg to change their IGN to avoid further tracking. This is done by using the following form
The following agents have sucessfully change their IGN. If your name is not on this list you are still monitored by the RESistance!!
This list will be updated once per day.
Since a lot of the damage has already been done, we recommend all ENL agents in Gothenburg to change their IGN to avoid further tracking. This is done by using the following form
The following agents have sucessfully change their IGN. If your name is not on this list you are still monitored by the RESistance!!
Old IGN | New IGN |
C*nbarr*s | *bsintMind*d |
dUncl*Dan | *ron*sland*r |
kin*bo | T*k*n*82 |
Ag*ntPox | *ns*n*ly |
*m*lf*.....n | kar*mil |
nah*j666 | h*lih*mm*r |
z*rgs | z*rgs*n (Bonus points for changing both name and faction!) |
Us*lessabilityguru | L*v*bomb*r (New! 2016-01-21) |
G*rkUgglan | K*mpl*x Sher*k*hn (New! 2016-02-02) (Bonus points for changing name for the second time!) |
M*jahedinmama | R*nsmek*r*n (New! 2016-02-11) |
Swt*chie75 | Ser*n*t*Gre*n (New! 2016-02-20) |
Zink76 | Sk*rpr**ttar*n (New! 2016-02-22) |
sm*rfdoedare | V*r*d*sV*r*s (New! 2016-02-22) |
L*ngonM*tz | R*sc*ll**n (New! 2016-03-20) |
Sk*llarbarn | T*ff*lina (New! 2016-03-21) |
*II111*OO000 | d*gp**nt (New! 2016-04-16) |
ed*a12 | n*rpan (New! 2016-06-07) |
w*hots | P*nnywises (New! 2016-06-22) |
m*riem*sen | K*hbaimai (New! 2016-09-28) |
*nkr*gg | *theistCh*pl*in (New! 2016-09-20) |
n*f*llo | Th*Abra (New! 2016-09-25) |
h*l*n*safir | tval0077 (New! 2016-11-21) |
J*ppeP*pp | GreenG*zmo (New! 2016-12-19) |
G*d*sp*zza (Banned) | TuggaMorrot (New! 2017-02-28) |
C*mK*67 | Gargamelia (New! 2017-04-29) |
Gr**nDemer*l | GreenPoison7 (New! 2017-06-20) |
torsdag 29 oktober 2015
Status update October 29th
Some time ago we received information that the smurfs were running a world wide event called "Smurf the earth". This seemed to be a good time to give them a hard time and show them a lesson!
After giving it some though we realized that the best tactic would be for us to stop playing during their event! So this is what we did. We sat back and laughed at those puny smurfs capturing most of the portals in the city and painting the whole area blue. That sure showed them that we show no mercy!
What we have heard now is that their "Smurf the earth" event has been extended until AT LEAST New Year. This information has been spread to all green agents using our secure channels, but apparently it has not reached everyone (or are you just ignoring our orders?). Yes, I'm talking about you klenodder, adajad, helihammer, agentphox and conbarris (or whatever you want to call yourself nowadays)! Please cease all activity now! We cannot win this game by playing!!
After giving it some though we realized that the best tactic would be for us to stop playing during their event! So this is what we did. We sat back and laughed at those puny smurfs capturing most of the portals in the city and painting the whole area blue. That sure showed them that we show no mercy!
What we have heard now is that their "Smurf the earth" event has been extended until AT LEAST New Year. This information has been spread to all green agents using our secure channels, but apparently it has not reached everyone (or are you just ignoring our orders?). Yes, I'm talking about you klenodder, adajad, helihammer, agentphox and conbarris (or whatever you want to call yourself nowadays)! Please cease all activity now! We cannot win this game by playing!!
torsdag 15 oktober 2015
BAF TIME! (Again!!!)
Gathering our about 10 of our best agents in the region we set out to do some bad ass fields (BAF)!
A little tease of what it looked like a few minutes before checkpoint! Please note that there were still a few fields to go when this screenshot was taken!
Unfortunately, just a minute before checkpoint something happened..
But no worries! Our brave agents put up the fields once again! Unfortunately this is what it looked like before the next checkpoint..
Lessons learned
* Using 4 AXA on each portal is a good use of AXA just before an anomaly.
* Flipsecuring anchors is a waste of time
* What the Resistance can achieve with one agent, we fail at with more than ten agents.
* BAFing when we already is in the lead in Regional scoring seems logic
* Fails are also fun!
* When failing to field to checkpoint, always claim you don't play for regional scoring anyway
Yours truly,
söndag 11 oktober 2015
fredag 9 oktober 2015
So the Resistance won the last cycle due to some large fields in the last two checkpoints. Of course, this is unacceptable. So.. after some hard work and key transports we managed to make 3 links and one field to the island of Marstrand!
torsdag 1 oktober 2015
söndag 27 september 2015
Helios anomaly in Gothenburg
A year ago today was the biggest defeat ever for Enlightened Gothenburg. The Helios anomalies series came to Gothenburg (Event link). After hours of hard work and battle we lost by just 4.4 points.
We lost the whole Helios series and proceeded to lose the following Darsana series as well. Oh! And we also lost the Shōnin series.
And. Well, yes. We lost Persepolis as well.
We hope to do better in the future! Go enlightened!!!!
We lost the whole Helios series and proceeded to lose the following Darsana series as well. Oh! And we also lost the Shōnin series.
And. Well, yes. We lost Persepolis as well.
We hope to do better in the future! Go enlightened!!!!
fredag 25 september 2015
Cheating in Ingress
There are many ways to cheat in Ingress and this blog frowns upon all of them. But we feel that it is our responsibility to inform our readers about them to help you detect these methods and report them to NIA Ops.
One of the most common ways to cheat is using duplicate accounts. One account per player please.
onsdag 23 september 2015
Rockstars of Ingress - Part 1 Jarvis Mys Regime
We at ENLGBG have finally enlisted one of the legends, the grand founder of our conclave so to
speak to join us for a session of, hopefully good war stories, throw some ENLIGHT on situations
and the future ahead.
We are so happy to introduce Jarvis Mys Regime!
You have chosen to not have your real name stated, we are not judging but just curious why not?
Jarvis Mys Regime:
The things I will foretell may upset some individuals and it's a dog eat dog world out there. I will
not endanger my family at the 135th hour to speak. Why do you question my order to not have my
name on your blog?
Uh ok sorry. Moving on. You have played many aspects of the game, once an avid fielder not so
much anymore, was it boredom that sat in?
Jarvis Mys Regime:
Fielding can be fun, especially when Lt Score did all the planning and drawings and whatnot.
When he stopped playing I...I just didn't, I mean I knew, but it was, I mean...give me a moment
Jarvis Mys Regime:
Yes, sorry about that. I get so upset sometimes. He abandoned me, I can say that here right?
Uh yes, you just did .
Jarvis Mys Regime:
Ok. Well, let's move over to something lighter. You guys asked me what life was as an Ingress
Rockstar so to speak. I will answer that and give you a few examples hehe.
We uh never stated those words...
Jarvis Mys Regime:
AS I WAS SAYING ROCKSTAR. Life can be somewhat hard when you are a recognized name and face like myself. I have tried various tricks, seasonal jackets, seasonal hats, seasonal cars.
Most of the times I have fooled everyone but sadly my muffled laugh gives me away when I burn
down the soil they're farming on. But there is one particular moment I'm very proud of. I call it my
That's...quite the name...do tell.
Jarvis Mys Regime:
It was the days before the Helios anomaly. Tensions were high and the smurfs had done a pretty
good job tearing our farming attempts up. So I knew they were farming at this place they refer to
as EP. I think it stands for Epic Place or something dumb. I had been there a few times myself
burning it down but this time I had a masterplan in motion. They started building 8 farm so I sent
my BODYDOUBLE there HAHAHA. It was so great he had the outfit I usually wear and
everything. The smurfs jumped him saying things like ”Hello [redacted]” and it wasn't me HAHA
HAHA Oh god I wish I could've seen their faces. Now that was a true Saddammoment!
So wait you hired a nonIngressing body double to go to their farm event not to break it up but to
pose as you only?
Jarvis Mys Regime:
HAHA YES And they totally fell for it! They even said it was like I was there!!
So after a few seconds of confusion, they had a good laugh and filled up their inventories and went
on about their business?
Jarvis Mys Regime:
Well...it wasn't like that. I mean it was, but still wasn't. I mean. Saddammoment ffs!
This fucking interview is over.
speak to join us for a session of, hopefully good war stories, throw some ENLIGHT on situations
and the future ahead.
We are so happy to introduce Jarvis Mys Regime!
You have chosen to not have your real name stated, we are not judging but just curious why not?
Jarvis Mys Regime:
The things I will foretell may upset some individuals and it's a dog eat dog world out there. I will
not endanger my family at the 135th hour to speak. Why do you question my order to not have my
name on your blog?
Uh ok sorry. Moving on. You have played many aspects of the game, once an avid fielder not so
much anymore, was it boredom that sat in?
Jarvis Mys Regime:
Fielding can be fun, especially when Lt Score did all the planning and drawings and whatnot.
When he stopped playing I...I just didn't, I mean I knew, but it was, I mean...give me a moment
Jarvis Mys Regime:
Yes, sorry about that. I get so upset sometimes. He abandoned me, I can say that here right?
Uh yes, you just did .
Jarvis Mys Regime:
Ok. Well, let's move over to something lighter. You guys asked me what life was as an Ingress
Rockstar so to speak. I will answer that and give you a few examples hehe.
We uh never stated those words...
Jarvis Mys Regime:
AS I WAS SAYING ROCKSTAR. Life can be somewhat hard when you are a recognized name and face like myself. I have tried various tricks, seasonal jackets, seasonal hats, seasonal cars.
Most of the times I have fooled everyone but sadly my muffled laugh gives me away when I burn
down the soil they're farming on. But there is one particular moment I'm very proud of. I call it my
That's...quite the name...do tell.
Jarvis Mys Regime:
It was the days before the Helios anomaly. Tensions were high and the smurfs had done a pretty
good job tearing our farming attempts up. So I knew they were farming at this place they refer to
as EP. I think it stands for Epic Place or something dumb. I had been there a few times myself
burning it down but this time I had a masterplan in motion. They started building 8 farm so I sent
my BODYDOUBLE there HAHAHA. It was so great he had the outfit I usually wear and
everything. The smurfs jumped him saying things like ”Hello [redacted]” and it wasn't me HAHA
HAHA Oh god I wish I could've seen their faces. Now that was a true Saddammoment!
So wait you hired a nonIngressing body double to go to their farm event not to break it up but to
pose as you only?
Jarvis Mys Regime:
HAHA YES And they totally fell for it! They even said it was like I was there!!
So after a few seconds of confusion, they had a good laugh and filled up their inventories and went
on about their business?
Jarvis Mys Regime:
Well...it wasn't like that. I mean it was, but still wasn't. I mean. Saddammoment ffs!
This fucking interview is over.
fredag 18 september 2015
fredag 11 september 2015
tisdag 8 september 2015
torsdag 3 september 2015
Big Awesome Field!
Last night we made big fields on the island of the knives! Look!
#PAINTisAwesome #paintisnotacrime #weprefercats
#PAINTisAwesome #paintisnotacrime #weprefercats
onsdag 19 augusti 2015
lördag 15 augusti 2015
Fishy units!
After a defeat last Saturday, when we were busy making cats, the smurfs covered Kattegatt in 7 layers of fields for a total of over 2.000.000 MUs, we knew it was time to step our game up.
So one of our agents already had keys for Denmark and was able to put up one whole field covering.. a lot of water for well over a whopping 30.000 MUs!!!!
Next time we will be sure to learn how to do multi layered fields. If any green agents have experience or tips regarding this, please contact this blog on enlgbg[at]gmail.com or the agent who helped us at bornius[at]singlefield30k.enlightened.se.
Operation Bluefish v4, 2 million MUs
So one of our agents already had keys for Denmark and was able to put up one whole field covering.. a lot of water for well over a whopping 30.000 MUs!!!!
Operation Singlefield.dk, 30k MUs
Next time we will be sure to learn how to do multi layered fields. If any green agents have experience or tips regarding this, please contact this blog on enlgbg[at]gmail.com or the agent who helped us at bornius[at]singlefield30k.enlightened.se.
torsdag 13 augusti 2015
Faction changes!
Several agents have contact us after having received the following email from Niantic:
We advise everyone to follow the instructions above even if you did not receive the email above (You might have been selected for transfer, but your email got lost).
Dear Enlightened Agent,
Due to balance issues between the number of Resistance and Enlightenment agents, Niantic has decided to automatically change the faction of a percentage of Enlightened players, chosen randomly. This move will restore the balance and keep the game fun to play for both factions. You were selected by our system and will be turned into an Resistance agent on or before September 11, 2015. If you wish to keep playing as a Enlightened agent, please log in to your Ingress account, go to https://www.ingress.com/optout and click the button marked "No Transfer". Otherwise, you will become an Resistance agent on or before September 11, 2015. Thank you, The Niantic Team |
RIP Solur!
Today marks 100 days since the portal Solur disappeared.
For our new players, Solur was located on the private property of an ENL agent in Kode, north of Gothenburg. Not only could we create awesome fields from Kode to Hisingen, but we (ENL) did also have 3 L8 accounts to hack the portal from the comfort of the agent's couch and could provide our team with gear.
Thank you Solur for all the cycles you helped us win! (Ok, we did not win that many. But a few. At least one.)
For our new players, Solur was located on the private property of an ENL agent in Kode, north of Gothenburg. Not only could we create awesome fields from Kode to Hisingen, but we (ENL) did also have 3 L8 accounts to hack the portal from the comfort of the agent's couch and could provide our team with gear.
Thank you Solur for all the cycles you helped us win! (Ok, we did not win that many. But a few. At least one.)
onsdag 12 augusti 2015
Code of conduct
Ingress is normally a fun and friendly game to play, but sometimes players step over the line. In this blog post we will begin to cover what is ok to do and say in the game (and outside of the game) and what is not.
Some names have been removed from this blog post to protect the innocent.
jk, no one is innocent! lol Go Enlightened!!!
Ps. Some names have been changed to protect the innocent.
1. Calling someone names in COMM
No problem! Calling someone the n-word or referring to excrement is done on a regular basis as can be seen below. This is all part of the game and great fun. Please be creative in your abuse of our blue players.
![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
1a. Exception from the rule above! The word "enemy"
Calling an opponent in Ingress an "enemy" is not ok. We've had issues with blue players putting up stickers with the word "enemy", referring to us in the green team, as can be seen below.
This, of course, upset a lot of us, as can be seen in the screenshot from the x-faction chat below.
Although the Ingress scanner uses the word "Enemy", it is still not ok to use for players in the game. People get hurt. Please accept the contradictions.
1b. Exception: Pictures of baby smurfs on fire is always ok
As can easily be understood, calling someone "enemy" and putting up stickers of a dead frog with a cross hair can be quite frightening and even threatening to some (THINK OF THE CHILDREN!), this should not refrain you for using pictures of crying baby smurfs and even burning smurfs. This can not be compared to being called an enemy and is in no way threatening! Anyone who says so is a liar and a thief. Or a smurf.
jk, no one is innocent! lol Go Enlightened!!!
Ps. Some names have been changed to protect the innocent.
fredag 7 augusti 2015
Urgent message!
Please do not put resonators, link or field on the following portals! We want to keep these portals low-profile!
Naturreservat Biskopshagen
Älekulla Kyrka
(These portals are +100 days guardians for one of our agents!)
Naturreservat Biskopshagen
Älekulla Kyrka
(These portals are +100 days guardians for one of our agents!)
onsdag 5 augusti 2015
Vinga revisted!
Seing that an awful smurf had captured Vinga we were lucky enough to have a visitor in town who would go to Vinga the next day. Unfortunately we forgot to provide him with enough xmp-kanoner, but he managed to shoot down two resonators on one of the portals! Although Vinga is still blue, we still count this as a victory for the ENL! Take that Resistance!
lördag 25 juli 2015
First out we would like to congratulate our agent who first captured the portals on the island of Vinga (one of the most strategic islands to use for covering Gothenburg in fields), farmed keys and then managed to create at least 10(!) links to Vinga!
..and that's not all! To top it all of he also created a field for about 3 MUs! Unfortunately we did not manage to get a screen capture of all the links.
Good job getting all that AP from those strategic keys agent! We can not see how they could be put to better use!
..and that's not all! To top it all of he also created a field for about 3 MUs! Unfortunately we did not manage to get a screen capture of all the links.
Good job getting all that AP from those strategic keys agent! We can not see how they could be put to better use!
Welcome to the official blog of Ingress Enlightened Göteborg!
We will be presenting the victories and achievements from our battles in the field here.
We will be presenting the victories and achievements from our battles in the field here.
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