lördag 15 augusti 2015

Fishy units!

After a defeat last Saturday, when we were busy making cats, the smurfs covered Kattegatt in 7 layers of fields for a total of over 2.000.000 MUs, we knew it was time to step our game up.

Operation Bluefish v4, 2 million MUs

So one of our agents already had keys for Denmark and was able to put up one whole field covering.. a lot of water for well over a whopping 30.000 MUs!!!!
Operation Singlefield.dk, 30k MUs

Next time we will be sure to learn how to do multi layered fields. If any green agents have experience or tips regarding this, please contact this blog on enlgbg[at]gmail.com or the agent who helped us at bornius[at]singlefield30k.enlightened.se.

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