lördag 16 januari 2016

Operation blowstorm!

Sitrep Operation blowstorm!

Since the HUGE success we had with the link star we made in central Gothenburg we felt that it was time to do a big OP again! Since one of our agents had his home portal unjustly removed from the game we wanted revenge!

Ok, so the portal was placed on his private property.
Ok, so the "statues" in the picture was placed on his back yard for the sole purpose of submitting a portal.
Ok, so the "statues" was not even in his back yard any more.
SO WHAT! We still wanted revenge!

A plan was made and we were on our way. After doing some decoy playing around town so that no one would suspect anything we went straight for the goal! Two couch portals for one of the smurfs! Ha! That showed them! After firing our might XMP cannons the portals were soon green.

But soon after we left that basterd took the portals back! Se we drove back and shot at them again!

But.. They were soon blue again! So we came back!
Not once! Not twice! But eight times!!

Can anyone think of a better way for three legally incompetent people to spend their Friday night? Noooo?? I wouldn't think so!

ENL GBG - We know how to party!

Agents involved: Team lead: mulen
New Girlfriend: trögons
Ice runner: zink76

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