Fellow agents of ENL GBG!
Have you ever wondered how the RES knows about our farms every week? (No! It's not because we farm at the same place at the same time every week! STFU!)
Have you ever wondered how they always seem to have plenty of XMP cannons?
Have you ever wondered how your guardian was killed?
Have you ever thought it was suspicious how the RES are able to play when it's FREEZING outside? (And they refuse to provide us with Proof of Presence! (PoP). )
This blog have been investigating this for a long time now and today we are ready to reveal the dirty tricks of the RES. We have suspect the RES for cheat scripting from the start and our suspicions were correct. The RES are using a script called "RESwue". To find out what this script does, please read the following post on G+
(or screendumps if the post is ever removed)
As you can read for youselves this script can do anything! Finding and killing guardians, farm XMPs, alerts you of BAFing, alerts you of upcoming farms. This can be confirmed by reading the comments on the script in Google Play Store:
Here are some of the comments for our lazy readers;
"The latest update with FrogTracker 2.0 is mind blowing. Thanks to this feature we were able to prevent a large ENL BAF this weekend while at our restaurant table in between the appetizer and the main course by using the autoscud."
"RESWUE IS AWESOME! I get unlimited resonators, xmp8 and pc8 just by installing this!"
"Love the heuristic predictions of where frogs will show up next."
"Automatic map directions to EN guardian portals in new update is fantastic."
To counter this, we (The blog 'Best of ENL GBG' and the mods of ENL GBG) have realised that it is time to stop being nice and following ToS. Raettstavaren has already closed down the official x-fac channel and more will follow.
We have started the development of ENLwue. This script will have all the features of RESwue and MORE (Auto harassment feature anyone?)
And please. Do not talk to RES about any of this. All communications between factions must go through our MODS. Do not think for yourselves. The MODS knows what is best for you.
Remember KRIGET and Go ENL!!!
fredag 26 februari 2016
tisdag 23 februari 2016
Regarding last night
We are waiting to publish a SITREP for the actions which took place last night. Unfortunately we cannot publish anything without proper PoP (Proof of Presence) which the agents have yet to provide. Once we receive such PoPs the SITREP will be published. Please send your PoPs to enlgbgATgmail.com ASAP!
442 91 Romelanda, Sverige
måndag 22 februari 2016
ToS violations
It is important that you read and follow the instructions on this blog!
It was more than one week ago that we posted that the recent name changes are against the Terms of Service of Ingress and is regarded as cheating.
Clearly stated on this page you may read that
"Codename changes are only allowed for players that accidentally input their real name or their activation code."
Zink76, Swt*chie75 and sm*rfdoedare! We are sorry to let you know that this blog will report you for this ToS violation and we advice other agents to do the same. We do not tolerate cheaters on our team.
Other agents! Please stop changing your name! We cannot afford to lose more agents!
yours truly
The Mods of ENL GBG
Ps. Today is Monday. See you tonight for fracking L1 portals as usual! You know where.
It is important that you read and follow the instructions on this blog!
It was more than one week ago that we posted that the recent name changes are against the Terms of Service of Ingress and is regarded as cheating.
Clearly stated on this page you may read that
"Codename changes are only allowed for players that accidentally input their real name or their activation code."
Zink76, Swt*chie75 and sm*rfdoedare! We are sorry to let you know that this blog will report you for this ToS violation and we advice other agents to do the same. We do not tolerate cheaters on our team.
Other agents! Please stop changing your name! We cannot afford to lose more agents!
yours truly
The Mods of ENL GBG
Ps. Today is Monday. See you tonight for fracking L1 portals as usual! You know where.
Proof of concept
The blog received a top secret email from a blue agent asking us to post this picture. We do not know what this is about, but we chose to post this image here for you readers. It seemed to be important.

onsdag 17 februari 2016
We are sorry!
We are sorry! We are sorry!
We have previously stated that all Agents should change names to avoid those irritating smurfs. We have now found out that Codename changes are only allowed for players that accidentally input their real name or their activation code.
This means that mean many of you who have followed our instructions and changed your IGN (in game nicname) have actually violated the Terms of Service of Ingress. Since we in ENL GBG do not accept this kind of cheating we now advice all of you who have illegaly changed your names to report yourselves using the following form
or (even better) ask Niantic to delete your account
Thank you for playing with us and please understand that we cannot tolerate this in our community.
Mods of ENL GBG
We have previously stated that all Agents should change names to avoid those irritating smurfs. We have now found out that Codename changes are only allowed for players that accidentally input their real name or their activation code.
This means that mean many of you who have followed our instructions and changed your IGN (in game nicname) have actually violated the Terms of Service of Ingress. Since we in ENL GBG do not accept this kind of cheating we now advice all of you who have illegaly changed your names to report yourselves using the following form
or (even better) ask Niantic to delete your account
Thank you for playing with us and please understand that we cannot tolerate this in our community.
Mods of ENL GBG
torsdag 11 februari 2016
The latest name change in our family!
Please say welcome (or congratulations) to the latest Agent in our family to change name
REINDEER FONDLER (Formerly known as revolutionary mother)

Agent Reindeer Fondler asks everyone to please respect his privacy and that his sexual preferences are not of anybodys business but his. And a few reindeers. Quite a few actually.
REINDEER FONDLER (Formerly known as revolutionary mother)

Agent Reindeer Fondler asks everyone to please respect his privacy and that his sexual preferences are not of anybodys business but his. And a few reindeers. Quite a few actually.
A message from Klen oh dear!
fredag 5 februari 2016
What if the tables were turned?
(For our foreign readers: This entry is based on a old x-fac hangout and will therefore be entirely in Swedish..)
Ursäkta men ja måste bara säga... de där med hotfulla konton e ja oskyldig till! Och jag vill gärna veta va ja har gjort när ni kallar mig hädisk mot er?
Pussy from hell
Vi har inte anklagat dig för kontot. Vi har än så länge bara kollat runt lite vilka som vart i området senaste dagarna och försökt ta kontakt med några av er. Hädisk har jag än så länge inte sett i någon av hangoutsen angående det här.
Vi vill inte anklaga någon för det här, det vinner inte någon alls på. Vi försöker just nu bara ta reda på vad som hänt i allmänhet.
Jag blev precis väldigt anklagad som huvudmisstänkt på facebook o fick hör att ja va hädisk mot er
Pussy from hell
Det är inte något som varken jag eller resten av vår faction kan stå för.
Det är ett spel, och jag och flera andra anser att även om vi spelar i olika lag så har båda sidor det senaste visat vissa exempel på dåligt omdömme som gör det tråkigt för båda sidor att spela.
Min personliga åsikt är att man kan hålla sig borta från rena hot (chalmers det senaste) samt spelarnamn med implicit våld i.Jag anser även att det bör vara upp till respektive faction att hantera de incidenter den egna factionen skapar.
Pussy from hell
Kan även tala för större delen av vår faction när jag säger att vi inte ser det här som nån "bagatell". Det är inte rå humor, det är inte roligt. Ni tyckte inte Chalmers-incidenten var humoristisk, vi tycker inte att det här är humoristiskt.
Vad har hänt nu?
Äsch va fan, lite häckande får man stå ut med*Häcklande
Det där var inget roligt IGN, lite för nära gränsen.
Ok - uppenbarligen delade meningar om detta.
Pussy from hell
Jag ser inte humorn i det här.
Jag kan ju ana humorn, men under ytan finns något annat.
Nu gäller väl inte det här mitt konto, men jag kladdade ju ihop något för ett tag sedan, undrar bara om ni anser att de också var över gränsen:
Dom har jag ju bara satt upp lite skoj men det är klart att alla kanske inte ser det så
Skillnaden är väl att din inte innefattar ordet "smurfdödaren" utan är lite mer... "naturlig".
Pussy from hell
+1 Eller ordet "enemy".
Det är skillnad på att kalla någon fiende eller motspelare...
Jag är på tok för lat för att hitta på något eget så jag färglade bara kortet dom använder i the shield för att stämma överens med våra färger :D
Detta konto finns, vissa ser det roliga i det andra inte
Pussy from hell
Som sagt, jag ser inte humorn. Personen som bor vid de portaler som smurfdoedaren cappat tycker inte heller det är direkt kul.
Har cappat på fler ställen än hemma hos honom så de e ju inget personligt i alla fall
Pussy from hell
Det gör det inte mer okej.
Hos vem?
Pussy from hell
Klen oh dear.
De sa jag inte... sa bara att de inte va personligt
Se det roliga i det, värre saker är sagda i denna hout.
Tar man illa upp av det, anmäl skiten då. Men jag håller delvis med om att det är en onödig sak att köra utåt. Dom som är här ska kunna ta det. Men "vanliga" spelare ser det annorlunda. Eller anmäl det till niantik om man tar illa upp
Pussy from hell
När de cappar i specifika områden och på spelares jobbportaler ser jag inte det roliga i det nej, Zink
Guardian Muncher
Alltså motståndarlaget benämns som enemy mest hela tiden när det handlar om ingress. Märklig sak att haka upp sig på.
Ingen märklig sak att hänga upp sig på när spelarnamnet syftar till att ha ihjäl spelaren i stället för portalen.
Tyvärr drar vissa detta spelet lite för långt…
Pussy from hell
+1 Jonas
Klen oh dear tog ej illa upp personligen men poängterar att det finns barn som spelar också..
tisdag 2 februari 2016
For A day dad!
We in ENL GBG have been proud to have one of our Agents as a member in the ENL SWE hidden council. Unfortunately, this Agent recently announce that he (or she!) will step down from this and other important assignments to focus on other things in life.
To honor this agent we made a QALF (quite a large field) over Gothenburg. Behold it below in all it's glory!

Not only was this a tribute to A day dad, but this was also a new record for ENL GBG! We managed to QALF all of Gothenburg and still not get ahead of the Resistance in the regional scoring! Not bad eh? Let's see you in RES GBG try to repeat that!
To honor this agent we made a QALF (quite a large field) over Gothenburg. Behold it below in all it's glory!
Not only was this a tribute to A day dad, but this was also a new record for ENL GBG! We managed to QALF all of Gothenburg and still not get ahead of the Resistance in the regional scoring! Not bad eh? Let's see you in RES GBG try to repeat that!
måndag 1 februari 2016
A little riddle for you
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