Nu har jag fått tänka och har bestämt mig för att inte börja spela igen. Niantic lyckades med det bloggen aldrig kom nära med. [...] Tack för gott spel. |
Rought translation "I've thought about this and have decided not to start playing again. Niantic succeeded with what the blog never came close to [...] GG."
The blog is a bit curious about this statement since we have only looked out for our agents since day one. When our agents are refused representation in the sit reps, the blog is there to make it right. We will never hesitate to defend our own players or to give those damn Norwegian Vikings a good slap.
We are also curious about how asterisken would continue playing since he was banned? We would not like to believe that our dear sheriff would start a second account to keep playing since this would violate the ToS.
With that said we wish our former agent good luck with whatever projects he undertakes now. You will be missed. (No, not really!)
We are also curious on our readers take on this. Did our dear agent really cheat or did Niantic commit a horrible mistake? Please discuss in the comments below.