To enter the competition send us a funny, crazy, serious or odd Proof of Presence (PoP) at a portal which you just killed. A Proof of Presence is a photo of you and the portal you killed. Once the competition is over the blog will select the winner who submitted the best PoP picture during the competition week.
Steps to enter the competition:
1) Shoot or flip an enemy portal in Ingress.
2) Take a picture of yourself and the portal. You do not need to show your face if you do not want to. We know how challanged the looks of some of our players are.
3) Upload the picture to (or any other free image hosting service which do not require login). On click the top right cloud icon to upload your image (or simply download their app to make this easier).
4) Submit your entry by tagging @dogpoint in COMM in your scanner, write "PoP" and the URL to the picture. Make sure that you post it in the ALL tab. Example:

We will not be able to see untagged entries. If you fail to tag dogpoint in your entry, just post it again with the correct tag.
The competition is open for both ENLightened and RESistance agents (We love x faction!)
An agent may supply an indefinite amount of entries
Entries that are not tagged with dogpoint will not be seen by the blog. Please make sure you tag your entries
The blog's decision of the winner is final and cannot be appealed.
This competition is not endorsed by Niantic INK, Google, Ingress or any other persons or companies than the blog itself (Best of ENL GBG), the MODS of ENL GBG and ENL Swedish High Council (not including our recently purged member ofc)
The first prize is a PoP Calendar with pictures of our most valuable agents!
The prizes may contain both real and in-game items. If you are selected as a winner the blog will need your contact information if you want to receive your prize.
Any questions may be sent in the comments below on the blog or to our email address (enlgbg at
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