Subject: Points!
Hi blog!
I have been following the local smurfs for some time now and I have proof that they cheat!
They know where our guardians are and they get point! If you kill guardian = 1 point. Why do we not get points for guardians! The MODS of ENL GBG should really do this! It should be possible with SOP!
What do you mean "comm history"? No, I know they cheat. They cannot know guardians because they are secret! Also it is not possible to know when guardian portal capped because no one scrolls back in COMM to check! It must be cheat! It is not possible for them to be better at this than we are! It is script and spoof! We also got NO PROOF of PICTURE (PoP) from anyone of them so it must be spoof. If you guardian is killed you should always accuse them of cheating!

I have reported all of them to Niantic INK because cheat. Also look what I told them in COMM the other day!!!

haha! who is laughing now! I am (but not the smurfs RES)!
yours truly
The blog would like to clarify that we do not support this behavior and we would like to remind our readers of the following sentence in the Ingress Community Guidelines "If you suspect someone of cheating, don't call them out in Comm"