måndag 30 maj 2016

Goodbye to our fallen soldier

Our campaign "Free asterisken" only just got started before asterisken got a reply from Niantic on his appeal on the ban. Later that day he issued the following statement

Nu har jag fått tänka och har bestämt mig för att inte börja spela igen. Niantic lyckades med det bloggen aldrig kom nära med. [...] Tack för gott spel.

Rought translation "I've thought about this and have decided not to start playing again. Niantic succeeded with what the blog never came close to [...] GG."

The blog is a bit curious about this statement since we have only looked out for our agents since day one. When our agents are refused representation in the sit reps, the blog is there to make it right. We will never hesitate to defend our own players or to give those damn Norwegian Vikings a good slap.

We are also curious about how asterisken would continue playing since he was banned? We would not like to believe that our dear sheriff would start a second account to keep playing since this would violate the ToS.

With that said we wish our former agent good luck with whatever projects he undertakes now. You will be missed. (No, not really!)

We are also curious on our readers take on this. Did our dear agent really cheat or did Niantic commit a horrible mistake? Please discuss in the comments below.

fredag 27 maj 2016


Today we launch a new campaign on Google Plus!


To support this campaign, please change your Google Plus banner to the image above.

Asterisken was unjustly banned and we demand that Nia Ops reinstate his account! We are quite sure he never spoofed, used scrapers to hunt guardians, kicked his dog or captured Skallens Fyr (because that portal is impossible to capture).

onsdag 25 maj 2016

A clarification on Niantic bans in Ingress

No Ingress player has ever been hard banned (i.e. unable to play the game) due to unfounded reports from other players.

If a players is reported by another agent and Niantic takes action, the accused player will be soft banned (i.e. can logon to the game, but is in observer mode. Hacks do not give items and XMPs do no damage). There are no known incidents where a player has been hard banned immediately due to (unfounded) reports by other players.

(Suspected) cheaters are known to be hard banned.

If you try to view the profile of a hard banned agent your scanner will display "Scanner running hot".

If no plausible explanation for a ban can be found, blame the other faction for mass-reporting.

tisdag 17 maj 2016

How to kill guardian hunters! (WSi 5)

Just a quick reminder agents! Please do not satisfy smurfs.
Option one: stop recharging portals. 

Option two: kill the hunters. 
See the illustration for conduct. Remember that smurfs get bored. They only enjoy the tears. 
If we stop caring or act. They will be fooled and stop. 
So here is a how-to. 
Remember smurfs are always watching!

First half is for external expression. The front vs pesky smurfs. 
Second half is for internal expression. You can feel safe among us. 
Please only reveal first part! Do not reveal the second part! 
Yes, that means you cum-gurgler!

Summer is green we rock! 

torsdag 12 maj 2016

Those Norweigan bastards!

The blog is under attack!

Not only have we noticed that some of our own agents have blocked the blog! This kind of censorship is uncalled for. The blog is always looking out for our own players first and this behavior is unacceptable. Censoring the blog only reminds us of dictatorships like China and North Korea.

But this is not all. It now seems that the Norweigan ENL agents are stepping out their war against us in ENL GBG. Take a look at this post on Google+:


Notice something? Of course you don't since it's not there anymore. Our posts in that thread are being deleted. PoP (Proof of Post):

Those Norwegian seal-eating bastards not only taunt us for not being able to handle the shard properly, they are now refusing to mention our agents in the sit rep and deleting our posts about this!

ENL GBG demands the following:
1. Give our agents the credits they deserve.
2. Stop blocking us
3. Stop deleting our posts

If our demands are not met we will ADA the guardians of all Norweigan ENL players.

söndag 8 maj 2016

Freedom of Press

Ever since this blog started our local smurfs have been trying to figure out who of us in ENL GBG that is running this blog. The smufs have systematically denied this, but due to a little unintentional slip in a x-fac channel we can now present proof that they are indeed systematically harassing us. The blog would like to thank to the ENL agent who was observant enough to spot the slip and immediately emailed the blog.

As can clearly be seen in the screenshot (that was posted by a smurf in a xfac channel) above, the smurfs have a dedicated hangout channel to slander, harass and share information about the authors of the blog! We demand that this stops now! We have freedom of press, freedom of speech and protection of our sources! We also have blue/grey portals at our frack farms. Take that RES GBG!

Stay green! Go Green!

lördag 7 maj 2016

Jury in session (WSi 6)

Our Jury is still in session. The winners of PoP-competition announced shortly! Meanwhile agents, party safe pretty please. We wish for a hasty recovery!


torsdag 5 maj 2016

Today is a special day

On this day, one year ago our most precious portal Solur disappeared from Kode. Sitting in the yard of an old time player, this portal supplied our players with XMPs and our skies with fields.

Those smurfs just got to stop report our portals on private property. Reporting is cheating!

söndag 1 maj 2016

The competition is over!

The competition is over for this time. We thank everyone who submitted PoPs for the compo! A winner will be selected as soon as possible.

Sorry for not posting this earlier, but we are still sobering up from the birthday party yesterday.

Frogs are best!!!