fredag 29 april 2016

Policy and Staff Changes (WSi 4)

As always we listen. Recent feedback's been heard. Some plead some cry. Either way we act. 

Very Proudly Introducing WSi. WSi is an abbreviation. Word Sentence Index Number. 
The number is indication. For you the reader. How many words used. In every entry sentence.
In addition we promise: 

* We will be honest. 
* We will be radical. 
* We will use paragraphs. 
* We will use breaks. 

* Making it easier to read. 
* Even for the challenged. 
* We will not cheat, using commataion as traps ; this exception be final. 

Now that got sorted. Pictures combined with words. Is something we applaud. 
Like a visual manual. To help clear confusion. WSi indicates pictures show. 

Very proudly introducing Ms Sophie. Our brand new Illustrator. 
We will work closely. Making art of art. So to speak lol. Just kidding but ok. 
See how we changed? Explaining when jokes happen. And The people rejoiced!
Just kidding again though. A joke is fun. See the pictures below. 

Final words sadly needed. We have seen copies. Paper copies spread around. 
Please avoid this strain. Think about the trees. 

Environmental quote: Be green! Read from the screen!

måndag 25 april 2016

What's the difference between you and me?

What's the difference between a ENL GBG frack farm and a RES GBG frack farm?
(answer below image)

Answer: None. They are both hacking blue P8 portals.

söndag 24 april 2016


Subject: Bringing out the gimp!

Most of you are aware of my gimp agent Lowest that I keep in the basement. Usually he does not get out much and what we do in the basement stays in the basement!

But last night I though I would take him out for a treat! I've always felt sorry for those with founder badges, but no onyx guardian. Not only did we get to eliminate a few blue LTPs (Long Term Portals) but agent Lowest got to cap those portals far out in the woods and with a bit of luck he will now get his Onyx Guardian badge on the 20th of September this year!

Stay green!

The competiton starts NOW!

This competitions starts NOW and will end next Sunday at noon.

To enter the competition send us a funny, crazy, serious or odd Proof of Presence (PoP) at a portal which you just killed. A Proof of Presence is a photo of you and the portal you killed. Once the competition is over the blog will select the winner who submitted the best PoP picture during the competition week.

Steps to enter the competition:
1) Shoot or flip an enemy portal in Ingress.
2) Take a picture of yourself and the portal. You do not need to show your face if you do not want to. We know how challanged the looks of some of our players are.
3) Upload the picture to (or any other free image hosting service which do not require login). On click the top right cloud icon to upload your image (or simply download their app to make this easier).
4) Submit your entry by tagging @dogpoint in COMM in your scanner, write "PoP" and the URL to the picture. Make sure that you post it in the ALL tab. Example:

We will not be able to see untagged entries. If you fail to tag dogpoint in your entry, just post it again with the correct tag.

The competition is open for both ENLightened and RESistance agents (We love x faction!)
An agent may supply an indefinite amount of entries
Entries that are not tagged with dogpoint will not be seen by the blog. Please make sure you tag your entries
The blog's decision of the winner is final and cannot be appealed.
This competition is not endorsed by Niantic INK, Google, Ingress or any other persons or companies than the blog itself (Best of ENL GBG), the MODS of ENL GBG and ENL Swedish High Council (not including our recently purged member ofc)
The first prize is a PoP Calendar with pictures of our most valuable agents!
The prizes may contain both real and in-game items. If you are selected as a winner the blog will need your contact information if you want to receive your prize.

Any questions may be sent in the comments below on the blog or to our email address (enlgbg at

lördag 23 april 2016

Only 24 hours to go before our competition starts!

With only 24 hours to go we are extremely excited about this first competition on the blog! There are nice prizes for the winner! And depending on the number of participants there may be a few in-game items to be won!

We also made a small contribution to the previous blog post and we hope that this will all be sorted out. It was bad enough that the Norwegians had to come down here (Twice!) to take care of Shard #30 since they knew thought that ENL GBG could manage by our own! And now, by failing to include one of our most valuable players to the site rep is an insult, not only to the player, but to the whole ENL GBG! We will not take this from those seal eating bastards. If this continues there will be consequences.

fredag 22 april 2016

Thirsty and Hurt

Shiny Things and stones will break my bones
But words will never harm me! Lesson to learn for you hurters out there! Anyways, I'm a bit hurt (yeah I'm using that word instead of offended coz like you guys twist it and youtube lame link) and thirsty.

This weekend all my friends are going to the bear and whisky fair, but I can't go :( Why I ask? I will answer. I have no friends money. Why I ask? I will answer. Due to recent awesomeness I won the last anomaly series by fielding massively over For example Köpenhagen. But it seems that I was left unfunded and unmentioned in the sitrep. This is very hurtful and to ENL NÅRWAY I SAY F U! Especially you Mulla Fården! I did all this and deserve beer and credit, or on credit, no wait I have already used my credit for fielding :(

Sheriff De Gaulle (or whatever stupid name I'm know by at this time, stop ruining my life)

Update! The blog has now commented the sitrep and demanded that our brave local here is added to the list!

torsdag 21 april 2016


Be ready THIS SUNDAY (4/24) for the blogg's first competition!

This Sunday we will publish more information and the rules for the competition!

The competition will run from Sunday April 24th 12:00 CET to Sunday May 1st 12:00 CET.

There will be a limited edition price for the winner!

Stay green!

söndag 17 april 2016


Subject: Points!

Hi blog!

I have been following the local smurfs for some time now and I have proof that they cheat!

They know where our guardians are and they get point! If you kill guardian = 1 point. Why do we not get points for guardians! The MODS of ENL GBG should really do this! It should be possible with SOP!

What do you mean "comm history"? No, I know they cheat. They cannot know guardians because they are secret! Also it is not possible to know when guardian portal capped because no one scrolls back in COMM to check! It must be cheat! It is not possible for them to be better at this than we are! It is script and spoof! We also got NO PROOF of PICTURE (PoP) from anyone of them so it must be spoof. If you guardian is killed you should always accuse them of cheating!

 I have reported all of them to Niantic INK because cheat. Also look what I told them in COMM the other day!!!

haha! who is laughing now! I am (but not the smurfs RES)!

yours truly

fredag 15 april 2016

Webshop mockery!

The smurfs has passed yet another new low!

The blog got a tip that the smurfs have been saving all the PoP (Proof of Presents) pictures we post in ALL COMM and has made a calender of them!

Just look at the PoC (Proof of Calender) below!

This kind of behavior is not acceptable! PoP is serious business and it not ment to be taken lightly or be made into a commercial success for the smurfs!

The blog hold all smurfs responsible for this! As a punishment we will keep fracking blue portals until this stops!

Ps. If any reader of the blog orders one of these, please send us a review!

tisdag 12 april 2016

A dent in the war chest

I must say that the blog is a bit disappointed in how few of our agents went to the recent anomaly. Although our victory was secured, the lack of agents on site put quite a dent in our war chest. We now have badges, patches, t-shirts, umbrellas, hoodies etc etc to a total value of €2000 which never sold BECAUSE YOU LAZY BASTERDS STAYED AT HOME ON YOUR COUCH!

So not only are we €454.80 behind for our fields, but we also need to recover €2000 for merchendise that was never sold.

But the blog takes responsibility! To help recover our losses please contact us in the comments below, our email address (enlgbg at or ping agent HoBo in comm. For whatever ENL merchendise you want we probably have it in stock. And lots of it. Very very lots of it.

lördag 9 april 2016

Giving back to the community

The blog has been witnessing that the post-diaspora reactions has turned the focus onto the comm. 
We applaud this move and we are happy to announce the first, of many to come, vandrings awards. 

So this is to you (well not only you you, even though you seem to be gunning hard for it) proud members of the Enlightened Community 

We bring you the Sheriff award. You obtain new levels by policing comm and invoking your justice where naught takes place. Don't be afraid of speaking for everyone. You are the law. 

Go for it, 
Comm sheriff level onyx - it's up for grabs

Famous last words...
"Jag håller varje enskild smurf ansvarig för innehållet. Rensa ut er skit."

fredag 8 april 2016

To our little gaul in small village in the north of France...

We already knew you were dull, but after your reactions to our last blog post we now understand that you have a complete lack of humour

At least you got to dry up some of those frog tears by hacking blue portals at our hack farm last night! We also hope that the video below makes you feel better. You should know that you are welcome back to xfac when ever you want! GO ENL!!!!!!

onsdag 6 april 2016

tisdag 5 april 2016


Everyone should know the score from the Obsidian anomaly now!!! We finally won an anomaly!!

Some of you might wonder how we managed to pull this off and we will let the following screen captures speak for themselves.....

I make joke!

The blog received an email from the former leader of ENL GBG:

Subject: I make joke

Ok, many of you new players maybe do not know me but I am the former leader of ENL GBG. I have been very active. I have been at war with KE (KONSTEPIDEMIEN) and shot it down very many times every day. Then I got tired of that and instead shot down Sant Clause's couch portals every day. Sometimes maybe two, three times per day!!! It didnt matter if they were level 1 portals I shot them down anyway! That's how I play. Then I got tired of shotting down those portals so right now I am shooting down the blue farm in majorna every morning. Does not matter if they are level 1 or 8 I shot it down because that is how we win! I play tactical.

But this is not what I'm writing for today. Today I've made a big joke on the RES GBG team! I created a fake blog for RES GBG called! Haha! We can write things here and everyone will think it is the smurf's blog! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA If you have good tips on what to write please write in the comments below here or send an email to!