tisdag 15 mars 2016

Cunning plans!

Since we've had a lot of farms crashed lately by those pestilent RES we came up with a new plan yesterday. We met up as usual by the Östra Kyrkogården and was just about to start our farm when one of the smurfs showed up and started shooting. As usual. But what they didn't know was that this was all a trick! We never intended to farm there anyway! FOOLED YOU! You did not crash anything! This was our plan all along!

So when the smurf though he had destroyed our farm we realized our secret plan and went to Gamlestan for a fantastic frack farm!

Well.. Yes the portals were blue.. and yes, we could only put 2 hack mods on them at the most.. And yes there were smurfs there farming the blur fracked level 8 portals.. But still! Our clever plan worked!

Go green! (Except for our farms. They will always be blue)

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